In today’s increasingly algorithm-rich environment, a sound mathematical ability opens doors to many opportunities across science, engineering, financial services and other areas. Scoring highly in examinations is only one measure of success; being able to understand and apply mathematics beyond the demands of A-level or courses in higher education will itself create possibilities for a more rewarding career.

At Sulien Education we believe passionately that mathematics is more than just a subject. With sound experience of teaching students from foundation through to postgraduate level we can, and will, of course do our utmost to ensure you have the best chance of examination success. But we also hope to develop in you an analytic capability that will help you achieve success in other subjects, in interviews and through life.

We are also aware that mathematics doesn’t exist in a vacuum – its usage in everyday life depends on how ideas are communicated. For that reason, we also provide training on presentation skills.

We look forward to hearing how we can accompany you on your mathematical journey.

Meirion Morgan